
Hello and welcome to this blog all about living in and enjoying the island of Malta.

Rhi @movingonupaway Rhi @movingonupaway

Where is Malta (and other FAQs)

Malta is a tiny island just south of Sicily, which is south of Italy. It sits in the Mediterranean sea between Sicily and Libya. It’s 80km south of Italy and 333 north of Libya. It’s part of Europe and part of the EU. I moved to Malta from the UK back in 2010 and when I started telling people most of them had no idea where Malta was, what language they spoke, what the climate was like or what exactly I was getting myself in for. I will answer these questions for you!

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Rhi @movingonupaway Rhi @movingonupaway

Huge list of charities to donate to in Malta

After bills are paid, money is transferred into the pension and some extra set aside for savings or investments, I always make sure there is a little bit left over to donate to those who need it. You never know what is around the corner and our fortunes can change at any moment, so rack up those karma points and give when you can, as you never know when you might be the one on the other end.

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Property Rhi @movingonupaway Property Rhi @movingonupaway

Step by step guide to buying property in Malta

There are some things I like about the property purchase process in Malta, like the promise of sale period, where the property is taken off the market and cannot be sold to someone else, whilst you arrange everything from architects reports to getting the loan. What I do not like is that NO ONE that you deal with will be transparent or knowledgeable. No one will be able to tell you what the process looks like or entails or costs from start to finish. No one will be proactive and once each step is complete you’ll need to continually chase your loan manager to find out what’s next.

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