Sunset in Malta: Wardija
I recently spent a wonderful weekend, with wonderful people, at the Wardija Hilltop Village in Malta. I took so many pictures that I had to split the trip into a few posts, so as not to bombard you! Today we're talking sunsets. I'm always on the hunt for a new sunset vantage point- somewhere you can see the sun clearly dipping below the horizon, ideally into the sea, as it paints the sky an intense burnt orange, a deep pink and then to black.
Wardija is one of the most perfect places to watch the sunset in Malta. With such beautiful surroundings of opulent and extravagant manor houses, greenery and fields, it's an idyllic setting from which to watch the sun set into the mediterranean sea, calling last orders on another day.
Supermoon in Wardija Hilltop Village, Malta
Other than the spectacle of the sunset itself, I love how bright the moon is just before the sun says goodnight. I was lucky with that, as it was the last supermoon of the year, so it was brighter and closer than we'll see it for a long time.
We arrived to Wardija at sunset on the Friday, which was perfect timing; as the car climbed the hill we had to come to a stop for a few moments to marvel. What a perfect welcome from this hilltop paradise.
Wardija is the 3rd most expensive place on the Malta based Monopoly game, behind Valletta (the current capital) and the silent city of Mdina (the old capital) and not for no reason. This place is insane. It just oozes wealth, nobility and importance. The houses are huge and opulent, but with none of the ostentation or tackiness that can come with newer money. The homes were more like manors, terrifying guard dogs were the norm and we even came across a fat, adorable little guard pig!
On our last night we had to enjoy the start of the sunset by the pool and take a few pictures for our memory boxes. The way the early stages of the sunset swathed the sky in golden hues was in keeping with the richness of the town and turned the pool into liquid gold, glinting in the breeze.
We walked through the town as the sun got lower and I particularly enjoyed the way the sunset in Malta turned everything around it as gold or as orange as the sky itself.
If you're looking for a new place to watch a beautiful sunset in Malta, then Wardija should be your next stop. I want to take this time to again, thank Andreas and Elaine, and Joe of course, for such a perfect weekend <3