2012 Resolutions
So as another year comes to an end and we eagerly await what the next has in store for us, it's always a time for looking back over the last 12 months. Did we achieve what we had hoped for this year?You can click here to see my new years resolutions from 2010/2011. I made six resolutions- three I failed in;1. Join a gym.2. Start actually saving money- we did actually do this, saved up well, then blew it in a huge shopping trip. This was what we were actually saving for so it's by no means a failure, however after our few months of save and splurge, we never really built the savings back up again!6. Get a pet- this was more of a nice idea than a real resolution. We'd love to have a pet and I do really want one soon, but the apartments we rent are nice apartments and don't allow pets. I'd be too worried about having something expensive ruined or being found out and evicted!Two, I managed to fullfil-3. Make friends- I finally have a small but strong group of friends around me. They're wonderful. Guys, if you're reading this- I love you, I thank you so much for granting me the honour of being my friend and I can't wait for another year with you all!5. Earn more money- my job didn't end up in the promotion I deserved and was expecting, but life never quite works out how you think it will! So I took the plunge, went for a better paid job, and got it! I even got an additional little payrise after just a month!And one is still a work in process;4. Be healthier- I don't think I am particularly unhealthy. I drink a LOT of water, I eat fruit and veg. But I also eat a lot of sweet stuff, junk food and rarely manage my 5 a day.
So, my resolutions for 2012-
1. Stay happy2. Progress at work3. JOIN A FREAKING GYM! Or at least begin some sort of regular exercise (swimming once a week for example!)4. Make sure I eat my 5 a day fruit & veg.As with last years, I think these are reasonable. I'm not setting myself up for a huge fall by having too high expectations, but I know if I do stick to them I'm destined for another great year!I hope 2011 was a good year and 2012 brings you many great new memories :)Have you thought if any of your own resolutions?