Setting and keeping new years resolutions
I know that a new year is just another day and doesn’t really mean anything. But I need signposts and milestones and a new year is a great time for me to reflect on the year past and see how I can try to make the most out of the year coming.

Small things that had a BIG impact on my life
Here are some small changes I’ve implemented in my life that all had a BIG, POSITIVE impact. On the face of it, I think many of these seem quite superficial but the impact they have had on the way I feel, the way I feel about myself and the genuine improvements I feel because of them are very real and each one makes life that little bit better.

A beginners guide to loving tequila
A lick of salt? Ugh! A mouthful of cheap, petrol-like alcohol? YUCK. Sucking on a LEMON? NO THANK YOU! When I talk about tequila, I am talking about a smooth but punchy little drink, to be sipped, not slammed. It’s aromatic, it can be sweet and caramelly, it can be spicy and peppery. It can be delicious.

Improving air quality at home
These tips for improving your air quality at home will be applicable and useful wherever in the world you live, but they are especially important in Malta, where we frequently suffer from the worst air quality in Europe. There has been a definite improvement since the restrictions imposed during the pandemic but this is unlikely to last. For the most part, Malta usually registers as “very poor”, the second to worst rating.
My experience with fostering a cat
Whilst the pandemic has us all stuck at home for the majority of the time, I thought it’d be a great time to do some good and foster a cat in need. I unknowingly ended up with a very traumatised baby, with a lot of special needs so whilst this is going to be a very real, very raw account, I don’t want you to feel that every foster experience will be like mine. But, if you’re prepared for the worst, things can only be better!

5 Hard Truths of an Expat BreakUp
So you moved to a new country with the love of your life. You thought it would last forever. You built a life, from scratch, together. You've never experienced this country as a single person. Your lives are intertwined in a way that people who live at home could never understand. But now, it's over. Whether you were the dumper or the dumpee, being single for the first time in a country that's not your homeland is an understandably daunting situation to be in.